Operational Expansion - The Netherlands

Operational Expansion - The Netherlands


Dear Partners, 


I am delighted to announce, effective January 1st 2023, Supermax Healthcare Limited will be expanding its operations in to Europe with the opening of our new distribution centre in Roosendaal, The Netherlands.


The new facility provides the logistical capacity required to support future growth and remove the complexities caused from Brexit in Cross-border trade between the UK and Europe. This will ensure efficiencies in our service levels and export costs that will only benefit our loyal customer base.


This presents a significant opportunity to continue to grow the Aurelia brand across Europe, and European expansion remains a key pillar in the Company's growth strategy.


For Supermax Healthcare, our customer base in Europe has, and continues to be of great importance to us and we thank you for the support that you continue to provide. This key milestone will only serve to benefit the valued partnerships we have in place with yourselves and will enable us to continue to grow together in the future.


Best Wishes,


Jonathan Judge

Group Managing Director

Supermax Healthcare Limited is the European subsidiary of Supermax Corporation Berhad: a world leading manufacturer of disposable examination gloves.

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Supermax Healthcare Ltd, Unit 12-16 Titan Drive, Fengate, Peterborough, PE1 5XN.